Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Back to life, back to re-al-i-ty...

So, I am now a Mrs. Yup, you heard it here first. I wear a wedding band, answer to the title "wife" and guess what? I LOVE IT! Though day-to-day life if pretty much the same, I feel even closer to Ben. When we got our marriage license the other day I looked at him and smiled...this literally binds us I thought. It didn't scare me, but I noticed, trust me.

The wedding was perfect. I'm convinced that my little sister who passed many years ago brought me my wedding gift...sunny skies, 71 degrees, and not a drop of rain. It was truly perfection. We danced the night away, laughed, cried, and loved. We are so blessed.

The honeymoon was no less than perfect as well. The Yucatan is a rad place, somewhere that everyone should visit. We snorkeled, visited Mayan ruins, lounged poolside, and enjoyed our first vacation as Hubs and Wifey.

Thank you to everyone that took part in our special wedding journey. Love and gratitude to each and every one of you.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I love crafts! I find them soothing, challenging, entertaining, and fun. I spent a recent Sunday afternoon crafting this cake topper for our upcoming nuptials. Cute? For sure.

I Like St. Mike's

St. Mike's has a new look thanks to some brilliant collaboration, design, copy, and concepts. Shout out to all of those involved!


If you live in Burlington or a surrounding area, I'm sure you've seen the bodacious bovines, but here are my fine ladies! The display season is coming to a close and the cows will soon be "put out to pasture." Please support local charity by buying one. I think they'll make mighty fine lawn ornaments!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

MacBook Pro

I splurged! This laptop is a machine! My software (CS5) hasn't arrived quite yet, but I can already tell that this was a worth while purchase.

It's a beautiful day, so I'm heading outside!