Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I know, I know...a chick flick. But, in my defense, it was a well-written, heart-warming book before it ever thought of becoming a chick flick. It's funny, I left the theater not caring about the acting, the story or the dialogue. I left with an urge–an urge to quit my job, hop on plane, and travel the world with everything I need in a backpack (with Ben of course). I want to skip town after the nuptials and avoid the impending baby questions...the ones that my family and friends will undoubtedly begin asking. "When do you think you'll start trying? Right after the wedding?" Trying what, Aunt _____? To keep my steadily growing career intact? To spend some time as a married couple? To save money to buy a house rather than a wall-sharing condo? To get in good enough shape to run a half marathon? Yes, I'll be "trying" to do everything BUT have a baby. I mean, you do realize that you're asking about my sex life, right? Personal? I think so.

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